type poster copy.jpg

Typography Poster

This is the work from my Introduction to Typography class. All of these were done by hand for each assignment. In the descriptions will be the project numbers. Below I will list the descriptions for each project. 

p001: Write the word "typography" in each square; then, choose the best from the sheet and enlarge. 
p002: With a sheet of type provided, cut out a viewfinder and move it around the page. Then, put the forms found in the viewfinder into the squares using a technical pen/thin sharpie. The first sheet is 18 with descriptions. The second is 32, and the third is 9 chosen from the sheet of 32. The final is the favorite from the original 32. This is then repeated with an image of the student's choosing (mine was the back cover of my iPhone)
p003: Use paper cutouts to create the words "ne var, ne yok" which means "what is, what isn't". 
p004 (not showing...this is because I need to figure out how to format it for upload): With a sheet of 32 boxes, use letraset sheets to create interesting forms. 
p005: Put all (and I do mean ALL) of the elements from the first 4 projects into a poster. This poster will be folded then into 8 and slit down the middle to create a 9x12 magazine. The purpose is for the composition to work both as a poster design and as a magazine design. The central theme should be "ne var, ne yok".


**Process from each project (p001-p004) will be uploaded soon**